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Changes on 11-01-11:

  • Loretech Industries, caving to pressure, has added the option to block incoming files from specific Lore IDs. To maintain your privacy, the sender will not be informed that their file was refused and you will be blissfully unaware that they even tried.
  • The DOCKING-OPTIONS now take the 'type ship name instead of selecting from a giant menu' option into account.
  • Fail miserably at typing your ship's authorization code while setting docking options? So does somebody else we ALL know, so now you get up to five tries to enter the code before it gives up on you.
  • Lazy? So are some people on channel 500. The OPTIONS command now detects if you have a Lore computer and makes those options available to you. Further laziness allows you to type LORE-O to access your Lore computer options. Now everybody wins.

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